Içimdeki Ses (2015)
Pretentious but, can make you laugh
30 January 2015
A lot of mixed feelings for this film. It has a lot of high points and low points throughout. The first half of the film is pretty good with quite a few good scenes that can make you laugh out loud or at least chuckle.

The protagonist narrates throughout the whole movie while writing his book and going through the different stages of the period of life that he is going through.

The acting is above average by most of the actors and it helps that most of them have great timing with when to say or do quotes or actions. A few great scenes in the film where the acting shines and gives you a good feeling inside.

The lacking part I felt was the story. I felt like I was left hanging and no real ending to the film. Though this is no real surprise as the protagonist is also a confused individual as he states during his narration during the start of the movie.

Overall pretty decent film just needed a bit more flair and some thought over the story.
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