I give this a six out of ten which I think is fair. I thought it was funny and laughed a few times but the movie had some problems. As for what the other reviewer said about it being in a film making race and they had only one day that makes it understandable and it is good considering but I don't really factor that in because I judge what I'm seeing not what the crew had to go through to make it. The performances are good with the two neighbours (a man who thinks his neighbour is George Lucas working on a weird movie and then George Lucas as the other neighbour denying who he is) doing an excellent job at getting laughs. I would have liked to see more of the wife though, she wasn't in it very much at all. The other parts could be bigger too. Elton John in his garbage was very funny but really this movie just had the two guys talking to the camera. Good laughs sometimes yes but at the same time not too much interaction and more a series of jokes than a coherent story that fit together. A good effort though by all involved this is an entertaining and funny short movie!