Matt's Chance (2013)
Seek this film out Immediately!
9 April 2013
After spending a day watching films at a local film festival in my home town, it was refreshing to see an independent film with real actors, a real director, an real charm!

Matt's Chance is a quirky offbeat dark comedy with some very interesting and intense scenes, and is driven by its slew of odd character . Edward Furlong brings his classic slacker style of comedic performance to the film. It's possibly Furlong's best work in over a decade. The characters are fresh and do a great job of pulling off the humor that goes along with a dark comedy like this. I especially liked Bill Sorice as the mob boss character, he almost had the feel of a crazy Andy Garcia, and was a breath of fresh air to the Russian stereotypical gangster we see in independent films today. Lee Majors delivers some great lines as the advice giving Barber. You can't go wrong for an independent film with an icon like Lee Majors. Gary Busey, is casted perfectly for this offbeat character driven comedy, an makes a nice cameo as a pawn shop owner giving life lessons. Margret Kidder, "Louis Lane from Superman" makes an amazing cameo as an aging stripper that is a must see for any fan boy or girl out there. Edi Zanidache is spot on as the gangster wannabe best friend, an adds the perfect amount of charm thru out the film!

All in all it's a fun ride and a great independent movie from a promising director. I highly recommend this film to people who loved Martin Scorsese's "After Hours"! If you have ever fell for the wit and charm that Mr. Furlong can produce in such films as "Pecker" or "Detroit Rock City" seek this film out Immediately!
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