Dean Spanley (2008)
6 March 2013
For dog lovers a particular delight (cats get fairly short shrift!) and for those who aren't dog lovers in particular, a pleasant, interesting and gentle journey with some favourite, but frequently under-rated, actors. It's always a pleasure to know long-time favourites - Peter O'Toole and Judy Parfitt - are still busy filling roles that seem made for them. Northam, Neill, Brown and Malik round out a well-balanced cast and are convincing and articulate in excellent Edwardian fashion. This works as well as a fairy tale for those who take the film with a large pinch of salt as, one assumes, it does for those who are believers in such fairy tales. Either way, a charming film, not flashy, not big- budget, not likely to turn up at a box-office near you but a delight nevertheless.
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