While you were sleeping... examining the dark sides of the seemingly harmless.
6 December 2012
As a Horror fan, I like watching at least one Horror film every day (when I get the chance), and recently I've noticed a certain pattern in Thriller Horror films: they're mostly Thrillers with some touch of Horror and not basic Horror. Mientras Duermes (Sleep Tight) is a perfect example.

The real horrifying part of this film is that it plays on the small fears that regular people have, even if only at the back of their minds subconsciously. Having someone bluntly invade your privacy without you knowing it, being blackmailed for something you've done, getting old alone and becoming the gray figure neighbours pretend to be nice to - these are only some of the examples.

The story is original and clever, and unfolds only towards the middle. The acting is right on the spot. Everything is done just the way it should. This film takes the audience to the darker places of their emotions and thoughts, but not in an obvious blunt way like most Horror films, but in a deceptive and clever way. Very artistic.

There's an old saying - "there are no bad people, only people who have it bad". This film truly examines that statement, both philosophically and physically. I don't know if I could truly say I enjoyed watching it, but I'm glad I did, and I think so would you!
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