When Satan looks in the toilet, what does he see?
16 September 2012
The answer to the title question is most likely this near repugnant cash in on a horror sub-genre that is being milked for all its worth. As always with horror as a genre, even the most unimaginative movie will find staunch supporters, such is the case with this here picture from William Brent Bell. That's not to sarcastically put down those who enjoy it, for without doubt some do find any form of demonic possession in movies as being terrifying, but in a movie that runs at under 80 minutes, there's under ten minutes of unease, chills or possession based terror. Yes a couple of scenes hold the tingle on the spine, and true enough to say that Suzan Crowley as Maria Rossi acts superbly, but what about the rest of it? The structure and formula is tired, there's no attempt to spin something new into the demonic possession market, while the ending is undoubtedly as bad a cop-out as you may have heard it is.

Cribbing from any number of movies that are far better, devoid of a sense of build up and sustaining of atmosphere, it is what it is. A lazy cash cow aimed at a small niche in the horror fan universe who find the thematics reason enough to get involved with it. My honest advice is to just watch the trailer instead and skip the movie. 4/10
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