This short experimental film tells the story of a man (Jules Raucourt) who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to find himself branded a lonely extra.
There is clearly talent behind this little-known film. Robert Florey, better known for "Murders in the Rue Morgue", directs. And his cinematographer is none other than Gregg Toland, who was the eyes behind many a major success, including "Citizen Kane".
This short shows that even as early as 1928, Hollywood had an appeal and glamor that would draw people in, only to be chewed up and spit out by the system. Actors are a dime a dozen... and while no picture would be complete without extras, they are nothing to the audience.
There is clearly talent behind this little-known film. Robert Florey, better known for "Murders in the Rue Morgue", directs. And his cinematographer is none other than Gregg Toland, who was the eyes behind many a major success, including "Citizen Kane".
This short shows that even as early as 1928, Hollywood had an appeal and glamor that would draw people in, only to be chewed up and spit out by the system. Actors are a dime a dozen... and while no picture would be complete without extras, they are nothing to the audience.