Knockoff Harryhausen
2 December 2010
Although Giants of Thessaly suffers by comparison to the Ray Harryhausen film, Jason And The Argonauts, still it does tell the same classic story reasonably coherent. But if you're expecting Ray Harryhausen's special effects magic then settle back and prepare for disappointment.

Jason and his trusty picked crew of Argonauts set sail for the distant land of Colchis where it is reputed that the golden fleece is to be found. I never did understand why the dead hide of an animal has any magic in it. It certainly didn't work any magic for the ram that was previously alive in it.

Still the guys have a lot of adventures as described by Homer and back home in his kingdom of Thessaly, Jason as played by Roland Drew has to worry about a palace coup motivated by a lust for power from Alberto Farnese and an equal lust for Ziva Rodann, Jason's queen.

Giants Of Thessaly is a cut above the usual peplum epics that were a glut on the market from Italy back in the day, but it just ain't a Harryhausen.
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