Night Key (1937)
A really nice departure for Karloff.
15 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the oddest Boris Karloff films I have ever seen. I don't mean this in a bad way, but say this because the plot is so atypical of his films. Instead of a horror film, it's sort of like sci-fi and comedy combined! Now calling is 'sci-fi' might be problematic. The film looks like it was set in 1937 but the electronics shown in the film really weren't possible for the day--you just need to suspend disbelief and enjoy.

The film begins with Karloff and his daughter excitedly talking about how much better their lives are about to become. It seems that Karloff is an electronics genius and has invented a super-advanced alarm system for businesses. Now he can afford the eye surgery he needs AND give his daughter everything she wants. However, Karloff is soon cheated out of his plans by an old business rival who did exactly the same thing years before--so you'd wonder why Karloff would agree to sell the same jerk this patent! Well, it's not totally unbelievable, as Karloff's lawyer secretly is working for the jerk!! When Karloff finds out the truth, he threatens to do bad things if they don't honor their agreement. The jerk laughs it off and so Karloff, who invented the original system to the company 20 years earlier, uses one of his inventions to break into the businesses with contracts with this monitoring service. But he doesn't steal anything, as he's basically a good man. Instead, he leaves silly messages that the system stinks and can easily be compromised--thus hurting the jerk's reputation. Karloff assumes that eventually the jerk will give in and honor his crooked contract.

In the meantime, two things happen. First, the jerk refuses to budge at all--sending out his goons to harass and threaten Karloff's daughter. Second, real criminals find out about Karloff's device and kidnap him--trying to force him to work for evil. So what is Karloff to do--help the crooks or back off on his attack on the jerk? Well, there's a lot more to it than that and I won't ruin it by saying more.

The bottom line is that the film has clever writing and despite a fantastic story, it was handled so well that you can't help but get sucked into the film. The great acting and breezy direction sure helped--making this one of the better B-films of the era.

Exciting, clever and fun from start to finish.
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