Ultimate Avengers II (2006 Video)
Ultimate avengers 2 DVD R1
5 May 2007
I only started to review it now, well, the DVD came to Singapore and I watched it. Not bad for an animation, with cool animation to blow you off but it is the story plot that is not wonderfully good as it is straight forward with a twist in the end (a death of a superhero). It is more violent and bloodier than the first movie. As I say, the second movie will always be better than the first one. Ultimate avengers 2 starts off with the death of the black panther and the son takes over him. Now he goes to find Captain America and asks him to join forces with him to defeat the whatever monsters coming to destroy the world. Super story but short. Its' actions will blast you off with its' cool music but what can we do if the plot is just straight forward. I am not saying I hate the movie but they can extend it, not making the two movies like a mini-movie series. Oh well, I don't know whether they are making Ultimate avengers 3 but if they do, it better be the best of all the Ultimate avengers movies.

Well, the special features are nothing much but it does have some cool sneak previews. If you want to watch it, you will have no choice but to buy the DVD.
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