Review of Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters (1986–1987)
Not that bad, standard Filmation stuff.
2 September 2006
Essentially the same stuff as you always saw w/ Filmation-block animation, same old scenes re-used to death, strange little teddy bear like cutesy side characters (here a pink bat?!), dopey morale at the end, you know.

I only bother w/ this one because I have a soft spot for the orig. '75 TV series which this was based on, w/ the F Troop guys and Bob Burns in an ape suit. We loved it as kids in my family growing up. It kinda disappeared and this was the only thing that ever spun off from it.

No doubt Filmation threw this series together in '86 once the Bill Murray flick hit so huge two years before, thus the jousting titles and the confused kids that followed.

My guess is that the 'Real Ghostbusters' toon was better than this, but if I had to sit and watch either, I'd go with this one just because Spencer, Tracy and Kong were more my speed over Venkmen and co. That's all.

Ummmm a about ** stars, mostly for the neat theme music AND the monkey.
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