You have no idea how rare life is in the cold countless miles of space
11 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Traveling tens of billions of miles through space the lead scout ship lands on earth outside the sleepy little town of Norrisville USA. It's there the aliens in it begin to take over he bodies, after their kidnapped, of the young men in that town.

Getting married to her high-school sweetheart Bill Farrel, Tom Tryon, Marge,Goria Talbott, begins to realize that he's not the man that she was in love with all these years!Marge later realizes that he's not a man at all but Bill is like what the title of the movie says: "A Monster from Outer Space".

Coming from a planet in the distance Andromeda Constellation the aliens escaped from their dying planet due to their sun's deadly radiation that killed off all the females of their race. Looking for a planet with life and to be able reproduce their people the earth was one of the few planets available to them. But they made a fatal miscalculation in both the human race and themselves. The aliens lacked any human feeling which is needed to attract a woman to fall in love with, and thus marry and have children,them. They were also not adapted to breath the oxygen on earth, which turned out to be fatal to the aliens. Most off all they were rendered sterile by the massive doses of radiations that they absorbed on their home planet from their dying, and later exploding, sun.

Much better then you would expect the movie "I Married a Monster from Outer Space" has a intelligent script and fine acting on the part of it's cast. It makes you interested not only in the people on earth that are being targeted for this grand plan on the part of the aliens but the aliens themselves in their attempt to save their race from extinction. The movie also makes you sympathetic to the aliens by realizing that their trying to do what any people would do the save themselves. By being able to sire future generations, through mating with the women on earth.

The movie does take a violent turn when the aliens, disguised as human beings, are beginning to be exposed by Marge. Marge tries to warn her girlfriend Helen, Jean Carson, not to marry her faïence Sam Benson, Alan Dexter, because he's one of the aliens like her husband Bill! Still she's not believed by anyone in town but only by the aliens, like her husband Bill, who try to keep Marge quite as well as anyone else who would suspect them.

The ending of the movie was in a way a bit sad with all the aliens from the scout ship destroyed by the townspeople, and two brave German Shepherd dogs since you could never really dislike them knowing that they warn't really evil. The aliens were just trying to do what any living entity, human being included,would try to do. Save their race from becoming extinct, and thus have the audience overlook the fact they they were what they were: Invaders from Space trying to take over and conquer a foreign planet and, for loss of a better word, rape it's human female inhabitants.
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