True Women (1997)
A Beautiful Melodramatic Glance in the American History
24 September 2005
Yesterday I bought the VHS of "True Women" just because of the very low price and today I have decided to watch it. What a awesome surprise I have had! This movie is a beautiful melodramatic glance in the American history and a great homage to the pioneer women. The story begins when Texas is being taken from Mexico, and follows two girl-friends, one living in Kentucky and the other one in Texas, along the massacre of the Indians, the civil war up to the fight for women suffrage. The wonderful cast, leaded by the magnificent and underrated Dana Delany, in the role of a very strong character, has outstanding performances. The story has drama, action, romance, war, love, hate, passion, intolerance, shaking the feelings and giving different sensations to the viewers. The movie is also melodramatic like a soap-opera, but it does not diminish its value. I really loved the saga of these warrior-women. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Prova de Fogo" ("Fire Proof")
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