Seldom do I see a movie which makes me scream for the death of the lead character, but this one did. I'm not quite sure if the point was to criticize the urban African-American "culture" of materialism and irresponsibility, but the net effect was to suggest that Chantel deserved all the heartache she got and then some. If you enjoy watching a totally irresponsible, self-centered, terminally attitudinal nut case mess up her life, this is the flick for you. Supposedly, she is intelligent and studious, but the film doesn't back that up, because everything she does is colossally stupid. This movie could be used by white supremacist groups to justify neglect of inner city youth; the folks in this flick don't seem to be that badly off (the high school looks positively middle-class compared to some of those in Los Angeles), but they resolutely disregard every opportunity that blows their way.