Review of Shackled

Shackled (2023)
Worst movie in the history of ever
9 September 2024
This is the first review I've ever written because this is the worst movie I've ever saw. If there was anything else you would rather NOT do, you'd be better off doing that then watching this. I hope whoever scripted this has to wait an hour for every Dr. Appointment, every dinner reservation, every fast food order, every dental appointment and every red stop light for the rest of their life. I hope they live to be 140 and physically decrepit but in good health so that they outlive everyone that they've ever known and loved. I pray that whoever talks to them never gets to the point so that every conversation is a useless waste of time filled with ramblings and awkward bird noises. Maybe after living like this for a century they'll be able to come up of with a better plot but thank God I wont be around to watch it.
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