Hero Worship
20 January 2004
Clever story. Good acting. Interesting direction. Film noir, gangsta rap style. Nevertheless, the movie sickened me. I have rarely seen such callous evil, even in the movies. And the notion that this gangsta culture has become so celebrated in mainstream music that our kids listen to should scare the hell out of every parent alive. These cool, good-looking black men dress very fine, have lots of money and spend their lives snorting drugs, having sex, killing people and MF'ing everything in sight. I wouldn't mind it so much if they were all really bad guys and I had never listened to Eminem. Nope. These are role models. Welcome to Hollywood, DMX!

Net, if you like this part of our culture, you will probably like this movie. But if graphic sex, heroin addiction, at least 10 murders, and having our beloved hero (Michael Ealy) smack his teenage sister in the face isn't your thing, you might try something milder. Maybe rent Pulp Fiction.
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