Review of The Big Hit

The Big Hit (1998)
Eh, not bad.
31 January 1999
This movie is just that, not bad. Its action sequences are well done and very entertaining. The comedy is generally amusing and fun (although some of it is very subtle and the rest pretty low-brow). Don't expect too much from this movie and you won't be disappointed. If you want a light, fun, action movie with some interesting characters, give this film a try. I would have to say that the cast, on the whole, does a fantastic job considering the absurdity of their situations. China Chow does well in her film debut, fortunately the part only requires her to be cute and Asian which she does very well. Mark Wahlberg also makes a good attempt at being a kind-hearted killer. I gave this a 7/10 because it's fun, not because it's a clever movie.
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