...And you thought the previous films were a stretch...
17 November 2002
Wow! They were really reaching for a new idea for this one! This film could have easily been shortened to about 30 minutes or so. There are numerous chunks in this film that are utterly useless and simply to show yet another death.

I didn't think this film was very good at all. The whole girl with telekinesis sub-plot thing was a bit much for me. Although, it did make for an interesting fight between her and Jason towards the end of the film. ...But the actual end of the film was just atrocious! I nearly burst into laughter! I will give it this though, there were some pretty nice make-up effects at the end of the film and Jason did have a very sinister and disgusting look to him throughout the film. I thought it was odd that Jason seemed to use a new weapon every time he made a kill, and it was hilarious when he busted out that electric long-reach saw.

If you like the Friday the 13th films, then go ahead and watch this one, you might like it. If you didn't like the previous films I can't imagine you would like this one, but I have been wrong before...so do what you will. Anyhow, if you do see the film, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading,

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