Its a sad and still humble and cosy story that will cuddle you if you will let it. its the story about a carefull ghostwhispering young boy that has traveled and moved around the world, having no real friendship with anyone, a loner, but full of fun and spirits he is. the heresay came upon him thet the neighbours do have a kid at the same age as him. he spots this young girl and starts a distance relationship at first, that evolves into something more serious as the time passes by. but the fact is that this young girl passed away a year ago due to CF, so in reality hes talking to a ghost for everyone around him , he communicates loudly with himself, to great concers of his parents.
the story and plot are the kind of impossible kind of stories, and walks the thin red line trying to convince the viewer this is the real thing. and in fact youre pretty brainwashed to believe in ghosts after watchibg this.
the acting do have some mediocre debutant nerves, with the lead female shaking her head whenever speaking, but shes a sore eyed beauty, that good prospects for a great acting careere. the one who really makes a great blast of acting efforts are the lead male, he's powered by duracell, there are no hint of stage fright and if i was a filmaker i would have offered this young male some big roles in future feature movie with an imterpersonal plot. he is a marvel...
productionwise it has signs of budget limitations, but the drives you what you want of love, hope and loss in life. its a recommendable feature film, the grumpy old man had a nice journey into the restless spheres of spirituality.