And here we go with another Uncorked pic made for IFC. The majority of these are horrible so I am certainly not expecting much.
So a church opening scene, then we get a dumb conversation from a 'manager' in a diner. -1 Star
Why are these 2 women even sitting at the same table with these 2 idiots? Then apparently some bad actor bad guys are also in the diner...having their own dumb convo.
So the 2 groups have a spat. Then you got all 3 groups doing something. The Pastor group, the dumb quartet group and the 3 lame bad guys group. -1 Star
Bad acting, bad dialogue and bad story so far. Oh a girl took off her top and actually didn't leave her bra on! We like that in our horror movies! +1 Star.
Okay so there's a creature that looks like the Star Trek monkey critter (man in a monkey suit_) killing people and meanwhile Pastor Dippy is giving a speech to dumb listener #67. -1 Star.
Okay, when pastor fool is talking to the survivors, and the creature they called 'the drude' comes in and starts killing people and everyone just stands there looking at it (the camera), I'd had enough. Turned this one off with 8 minutes left. Absolute Garbage.