A zombie movie, check. And I am there, as I am drawn to anything even remotely zombiesque.
However, this 2019 movie titled "Eat Brains Love" from writers Mike Herro and David Strauss just wasn't a particularly outstanding or memorable movie when it comes to zombie movies. Sure, it was watchable, but that was also about it. I can't claim to think that director Rodman Flender really made anything worthwhile from what was readily available in form of script and characters.
The movie's storyline was straightforward, albeit rather generic. It didn't really offer much of anything extraordinary. And the thing with the characters being able to switch between human and zombie states was just downright stupid, and it was something that definitely didn't appeared to me in the least.
I will say that the acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the limitations imposed from the script and storyline.
The movie did have sufficient gore to make it worthwhile to sit through, which actually counts for something, I suppose. And the special effects in the movie were adequate - but not top of the line for a zombie movie.
I managed to sit through the movie, although this is hardly a movie that I would recommend that you spend your time, money or effort upon. There are far better zombie comedies and zombie romance movies readily available.