Societies just about everywhere are going through some very difficult times and Castel Volturno and it's river community is no different. There are people who root for slavery as a way of life and deprecate freedom as a greatly overrated value.
And yet, in all that chaos, a woman destined to be childless not only conceives but delivers her baby successfully and does not die in the process as had been prognosticated and a "good man" who has lost his faith in mankind finds the strength to talk God into taking his life and let mother and child live because otherwise... what the hell did he live for... was his life a total waste?
I know you are not used to this kind of thing! But that is probably precisely the reason things are as messy and as rotten as they are in a world of fake freedom and prostitution and human trafficking and slavery and child commerce!
We have corrupted just about everything... how do we bring it back?