Yeah I know why this film gets hates it got 2.6 rating everyone hates on this film but it does have potential I like those 2 brothers are very similar concept as gecko brothers From Dusk Till Dawn (Michael Madsen) & (William Baldwin) having a simple roles of themselves driving threw Mexico border while acting, kidnapping 2 people Blake (Cassie Howarth) & Eric (Iván González) tied up in van back of car boot. threw out film it's just Michael Madsen and William Baldwin driving laughing drinking driving threw out film but they both got a lot of chemistry together they are pretty laughable they got a lot of charisma and they were likeable but sametime they are bad guys I wished those 2 actors were in a different film not just driving threw out film on trunk I wished this was different film not in this threw out film it's just locked in the trunk of their
vehicle leaving Las Vegas. After a bit, we discover they both have "cheated" Mario out of money. There are some minor flashbacks and some contemporary action, but for the most part, it is two people in the trunk talking each other on IPAD or Tablet and theirs not much to talk about film because that's what it is basically that's what threw out film, I thought acting is good I liked all actors specially beautiful Cassie Howarth in film she did fine with her bad attitude and her tough female role she had but I wished this film could been better, something more to it rather then locked up on trunk talking and having flashbacks when you watch film you might like it because of those
2 guys but it got 2.6 rating saying it's really bad what did they expect? when they saw film if you saw trailer what it is then you know answer I am not kidding when you watch trailer it spoil it completely that's why I didn't watch trailer for film if I did I might hate film because trailer wasn't much trailer tells you everything believe me the only way you might like film is to watch film blindly because trailer tells you everything that's what I recommded for you to watch film in that way oh else trailer will spoil everything. acting performance of Michael Madsen & William Baldwin played a great part of film of their performance so much jokes to laugh at they had a great chemistry brothers type of character threw out film BUT I really wished this was different film not a film when 2 are just driving and they kidnapped 2 people in trunk show entire film in trunk while Michael Madsen & William Baldwin driving and drinking talking on IPAD I mean this could been in a different film NOT IN THIS I can't believe it at all I don't hate this film at all it's not worst but it's worth it of seeing Michael and William performance it's not film I would watch all over again and again once is enough to see this film that's it all I can say is read watch film avoid trailer that's all I can say.