I have seen this movie three times already first time I saw it. I was knocked on my rear end with emotion and I'm not a crier, but I'm gonna tell you I cried through this movie and many different areas of this movie. It is a strong emotional movie with a fantastic plot and also I think the characters connect so well and when you feel a connection between the Lead character of the woman and the lead character of the man. I think it makes it more even marked journey through this movie. Do I recommend it? Hell yes And what's funny is my daughter fought me she's 23 and I told her let's watch. It didn't want to see it. Let me say she cried more than I did when I saw it!. Oh, and by the way, I found it with the English subtitles, but read it because don't let that get in the way of you watching this movie because you will read it and you will get into it as if it's literally speaking in English so watch the movie if you want a good tearjerker movie with a strong, strong, beautiful plot And with your daughter if she's old enough.