This remake was a real missed opportunity. Unfortunately it seems it was more about box ticking instead of making an entertaining and endearing show. I like Arthur, and the actor who plays Maggie, but the other changes were a bit much. The original Maggie was more senile, the new Maggie is just more like a sour old lady who plays 'the victim'. It's not endearing.
I also disagree with changing Robbie to a female and being in a same sex relationship. That's purely a box ticking change rather than one that adds to the show's likeability. It seems they were more worried about being politically correct than making an endearing show like the original. It is perfectly fine of course having the family as multicultural, the actor who plays Arthur is perfect in the role. They could have simply evolved the story around this. Even having Robbie as a female is okay, even though her personality is off. If you're going to change or have certain elements in the show they need to add to the story, not just to tick boxes to be 'politically correct'.
This sadly makes it a drama about a son and daughters struggle with a sour about life mother whom they love, rather than a comedy.