Pester is an exciting debut feature film by writer/director/dp Eric Gerber. I am particularly impressed with the depth of the writing. It is a film that explores dark and personal subject matter but also includes a unique quirkiness that gives it a good amount of humor. The story is very original and there are times when it is about go over the edge of creepiness, but it never does. This creates a tension that is reinforced by the interpersonal relationships of the characters. There are moments where it appears that something very twisted is happening and then there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, or at least the strange logic of the characters makes the viewer go along with it. It is writing like that that I find compelling in this film. The acting is great, and from reading interviews with Gerber it sounds like there was a healthy division of written lines and actor improvisation, which in this case makes the characters feel more real. The ending is a cleverly executed metaphor, which I won't give away. Beautifully shot and edited, all the elements of this film combined to create a very professional independent film from an exciting new director and a great crew. Looking forward to the next Gerber film.