Right, obviously I had never heard about this 2016 horror comedy titled "Crazy Fat Ethel" prior to sitting down to watch it. And once the movie started, everything seemed oddly familiar. And then it dawned on me, that the events in this movie were the same events as in the 1975 movie "Criminally Insane". Why director Brian Dorton opted to remake "Criminally Insane", as it was a lousy movie in itself, is just simply beyond my comprehension.
However, I will say that the writer and director Brian Dorton took the original writer and director Nick Millard's material from the 1975 movie "Criminally Insane" and just turned into the same type of boring dung. Yup, this 2016 movie was every bit as boring, pointless, amateurish and sluggish as the original movie. But couldn't that be considered an achievement in itself?
Of course I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. But I can't claim to say that I was impressed with what I witnessed. Nay, the acting performances in this 2016 remake were amateurish, wooden and devoid of commitment.
Visually, then of course "Crazy Fat Ethel" was a notch better than "Criminally Insane", given the years in between them. But you're not in for anything grand here.
I couldn't finish this movie, as it was every bit as pointless, laughable and not entertaining as the original movie. And this is not a movie that I will return to attempt finish watching. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend you to waste your time, money or effort on.
My rating of "Crazy Fat Ethel" lands on a two out of ten stars.