In the time of world's economical crisis, or at least economical crisis in Europe, this movie is spot on, because the movie starts with " 1987", the time when the revolution started in the Balcan's. No matter the length of the movie, it's full of high-intelligent humor and it keeps you interested until the end. Since it's so obvious in many areas of life in the Balcan (even if it's based in Slovenia, which is in the EU now), it might turn you off simply JUST because you're not willing to accept the facts - it's like a dejavu, a mirror from the past. IT'S A FACT THAT IT GOT A LOT OF AWARDS: People's choice for best new movie award on FSF (Festival of Slovenian Film), Sasa Pavcek got Best supporting female actress award on FSF, Jonas Znidarsic got Best supporting actor award on FSF (let me remind you there's a cast of 27 mentioned actors, which is probably the reason why Sasa and Jonas didn't get best actor awards, but got best supporting awards), Katja Hrobat got Best costume design award on FSF, the movie Kruha in iger got Best picture award on FSF and the movie Kruha in iger got Viktor award (aka Slovenian Oscars) for best TV movie. Hands down, this movie is more than worth watching.