This anime series is centred on Chateau Dankworth, a rookie bounty hunter, and Song Ryang-ha, a hitman whose path she crosses. After their meeting he falls for her and starts to stalk her. She isn't keen on him but he still follows her and saves her on a number of occasions. They later have to deal with a shared threat in the form of Donald Bachman.
This is a decent enough action anime although watching episodes as they were released I found myself struggling to recall key details at times... now the whole series is out and one doesn't have to wait a week between episodes will probably be more enjoyable for new viewers. As the story progresses we learn details about the characters' pasts that make them more interesting. The animation is pretty good. Overall not a bad series; I'd recommend checking it out if you enjoy the genre.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.