German film and me (also German) - it's never going to be a great love affair, especially when it's a comedy. The same stories have been told over and over again for at least 30 years. They take place either in Munich or Berlin, you live in huge old apartments and have problems that you would only smile about in real life. These problems are played up as if it were a matter of life and death, with dialog that is completely unrealistic and situations that want to be slapstick but are usually badly written to make you laugh. "Wunderschön" is a movie in which no one is likeable and nothing is important or credible. Even good actors (Gedeck, Król) perform badly and the fact that Karoline Herfurth won the Lubitsch Award is an insult to the grand master of humor. If you don't know how to write good comedies, take a look at the ancient Greeks. They knew their craft, but German screenwriters don't.