There's just so much to say...this anime is a perfect 10/10. The animation is absolutely stunning. Vibrant colors and so much rich and dynamic scenery. The voice acting (especially with the incorporation of so many different languages and accents) is among the very best I've ever heard. The characters, each and every one of them, are very likeable and have their own deep backgrounds and history, a lot of which relates to other characters you'd previously have no idea were connected. The soundtrack? Every episode is given life with jazz riffs, soft pop and an enthralling score, and its all capped off with a Freddie Mercury tune that I didn't skip a single time throughout the series. Now we get to the story itself. Quite literally the driving force behind the anime. Plot twist after plot twist. Surprise after surprise. Intensity that constantly has you on the age of your seat, and wondering what'll happen next. Only you never know and the reveal is bound to drop your jaw. Each and every question you may have will be answered with just the right amount of detail and explanation. After keeping you hooked for 21 episodes, the final 2 present themselves with an ending executed more perfect than anything I've seen in a very long time. It all comes full circle. All my questions answered, all my expectations shattered, everything I thought I knew completely out the window. And just when I thought I had seen it all, an end credits scene that floored me. I did not see any of this coming! I've been watching anime for several years, I'm actually coming up on my 100th anime watched. This one was something else entirely. To make it in my top 3 of all time is a statement in and of itself.