A film about a young woman working in an abandoned hospital...zzz...are you still awake? Yep, we're back in the world of creepy abandoned buildings, ghosts caught on CCTV cameras, long corridors with poor lighting and unexplained noises coming from empty rooms. PSYCH 9 is one of those would-be horror films that ploughs entirely familiar turf.
The movie attempts to take a psychological approach to the material, but the derivative script combined with poor film-making skills results in a highly painful viewing experience. There are long, endless shots thrown in in a bid to establish mood but which do little other than test the viewer's endurance.
Throw in some by now perfunctionary flashbacks, clichéd jittery editing shots and a bunch of tired, has-been actors (Colleen Camp, Cary Elwes and an entirely superfluous Michael Biehn) and you have a recipe for disaster. Sara Foster's cold and unsympathetic lead is the final straw.
I don't know what's worse about the ending: that the script is so poor I wasn't who sure who the murderer was, or that by this point I had no interest in finding out.