Directed by Jim Van Bebber, Necrophagia's music video collection lives up to the disturbing nature of both artists' visions. The style of the videos is more like 70s and 80s shock exploitation, than of MTV flash. One of videos is comprised of footage from Jim Van Bebber's Roadkill. The music is not death/black/hardcore/thrash, but a grating, discordant screech of feedback and snarls over a pummeling, sloppy rhythm. Saying they are better or worse than Cannibal Corpse or Mortician (that one made me laugh out loud) is moot. Its like going to see one the above mentioned bands, and have taken wrong turn and ended up a Texas Chainsaw family barbecue! Outside the box. BTW, nowadays they don't do the same thing at all, contributed to member changes. They still project horrific imagery through their music, but more like a John Carpenter nightmare, than their previous Fulci-nightmare. This video is the best collection of their work to date. Jim Van Bebber is an amazing horror director, hopefully he will never break out. For his own good, that is. Buy this disc; break into your mom's stash; get your older brother to buy you beer, and get sick on this film.
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