This is a coming-of-age, rags-to-riches, princess-and-the-pauper movie. It's definitely grade B but at times affecting, at other times suspenseful, at other times Hallmark-romantic, but altogether tolerable, if not downright enjoyable. There's a lot here that is true-to-life and worth seeing. A masterpiece it is not. A classic, it is not. Still, try it, you'll like it. The acting is not bad and there are sub- plots worth viewing. One is how the kids deal with the death of their mother, and another about the father's premature attempt to find a replacement in a
duplicitous woman. The cute little boy has a hobby which leads to the undoing of the gold-digging new mom. The princess-girl gets her suburban upscale
girlfriends to take 'the bus' to the inner city. The inner city is full of nice people, we would like to believe.