This film revolves around faith in God to solve problems. It all starts as a group of teen detectives is walking down the street and stumbles across a bank robbery. Later, Mike, the detectives' leader is walking down the street and sees the robbers' truck and climbs in back to investigate. While in the truck, the robbers return and drive off. After several hours, Mike starts to write rescue notes on the stolen money. One of the robbers sees some of the money coming out of the back of the truck and goes to investigate. Upon opening the back of the truck, he finds Mike and immediately takes him hostage. Meanwhile, back in town the rest of the detectives and Mike's family is worried about Mike, not knowing of his kidnapping. Back in the truck, Mike is shown kneeling on the floor and his hands are being tied behind his back. While being tied up, Mike explains that he is a teen detective. Needless to say, the robber makes fun of him and tells of his plans for the young man. Later, the truck stops and Mike is taken out and untied. The robbers leave him by the side of the road and drive off. Mike is now alone in the desert and must find a way to survive. The movie is an exciting way to show how faith in God can help a person without being preachy. It is entertaining and highly recommended.