"Nightmare Street" is the first movie I have ever seen that has admitted to the existence of other probability timelines. The great quantum physicist Dr. Hugh Everett proved the existence of the probability timelines from Schrodinger's Equation.
Other movies have presented the false doctrine that if one went into the past one could do horrible harm to the future. Due to clashing quantum probability wave crests this would be impossible; rather, another probability timeline would be entered, and events would proceed normally from there.
Julian Barbour, in his "The End of Time", has shown that the furure is already there. There is just a big stochastic matrix where all the probability timelines possible are there, each probability timeline with its own root.
It is good to at last see a movie that admits to this, the "sixth dimension". What the "sixth"? Harvard University quantum physics professor, Dr. Lisa Randall, has already established that the direction of varying bent timespaces, with values of pi from zero to infinity, is the "fifth dimension".
Christian Theology calls this sixth dimension "kyros time". In it Judas both hung himself in the Gospels, and burst open from a fall in Aceldama in the Book of Acts on another probability timeline. It is good to see some honesty in the movie industry. Congratulations.