New Nightmare, the seventh and final installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I was lucky enough to get the Nightmare on Elm Street series in the box DVD set and I finished all the sequels. I would say that without a doubt that this was the best sequel in the series. I was amazed at how clever the story was and I think the reason why is because of the fact that Wes Craven is back with this story. I was a little depressed that at least Johnny Depp wasn't really in it, that would've been a cool experience, but that doesn't kill the story. Instead the film has taken on a new and hip twist onto the series. Wes has taken the story and turned it around on the characters, instead of having Heather as Nancy, she's playing herself, just as is the rest of the cast, only now they're in trouble with Freddy.
Heather Langenkamp is a huge star in the horror movie world, but she's now a happily married woman with her son, Dillain. But she's receiving death threats from a fan who strangely sounds a lot like Freddy. Soon strange things start happening, her husband is killed tragically in a car accident that seems like the act of Freddy, and her son is now not sleeping. She wonders if it's because of her movies or is it possible that Freddy is real and he wants her? She may have to go back to her roots to save her son.
New Nightmare is incredibly clever and was just all in all a great idea. I really enjoyed this sequel, it's a definite keeper and a watch for the Nightmare on Elm Street fans. Freddy is back and he's more mean than ever; it was so cool that the took Heather Langenkamp and put her in the same situation as her character, Nancy. It just shows that Wes hasn't lost his touch with the Nightmare on Elm Street series. If you love horror films in general, I highly recommend New Nightmare, this is an awesome film.