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Henry Hazlitt's signature

Dedicated to the future of freedom

Freedom is in constant danger because so few people know its fundamental importance.

Most people don't fully realize that human peace, prosperity, and happiness depend upon individual liberty. So big government creeps forward. "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground," as Thomas Jefferson wrote. Without eternal vigilance, freedom will be lost.

Still, we have reasons to be optimistic for the future. Why? Because vigilance recently got a whole lot easier. Now more than ever, a few people are capable of making major changes.

We are in the midst of an historic communications revolution. The Internet is opening up exciting new opportunities for us like the ability to find and access the best casino software that the web has to offer.

To help advocates of freedom take advantage of these opportunities, The Henry Hazlitt Foundation offers Free-Market.Net: The Freedom Network. Enables people to learn about the ideas of liberty, use the information and resources that are available, and work together for the future of freedom.

Please consider joining us with a small credit card donation, by becoming a free member, or by involving your organization as a partner. Contributions to the Henry Hazlitt Foundation are tax-deductible in the United States. Dollar-for-dollar, your contribution may never make a bigger difference than it will right now.

Please drop us a note with any questions or comments. Thanks for your support!

Yours in Liberty,

Louis James
Executive Director

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The Henry Hazlitt Foundation
Jamie Hazlitt
45 Division St
S1 4GE Sheffield, UK
+44 114 275 6539
[email protected], /