Mark Goerner’s diverse career spans many disciplines including concept designer, futurist, illustrator, and consultant. For the motion picture industry, he has been instrumental in generating original content for films such as Minority Report, X-men 2, Superman, Iron Man 2, Thor, Avatar, and more. As an industrial designer he contributed to advanced concepts for BMW/Designworks, Intel, Toyota, Honda, and the High Roller wheel in Las Vegas. As a graduate of Art Center College of Design with distinction, he harnessed his love of design and visual communication towards teaching, seminars, speaking, authoring tutorials and concept design publications. He currently sits on the HATCH network advisory board.
With his breadth of knowledge and background in manufacturing he founded eqogo, a robust platform to evaluate products for their long term value and environmental impacts. By measuring the material composition, fair labor, toxicity levels, environmental impact, energy consumption, and more, thoughtfully designed products, practices and foods are brought into the brightest light of recognition. Eqogo rewards companies for conscious manufacturing by celebrating the metrics of transparency and connecting them to thoughtful buyers.
By shifting our behaviors collectively, we make a massive beneficial impact and become better stewards of the planet one purchase at a time.
with reverence for the past - a vision for the future, I aspire to make worlds not yet known - possible.
when thinking holistically about greatest potentials, challenges, constraints, impacts, give way to solutions.
candor, heart, humor, artfulness and concern for the greater good - that is my message.
empower informed consumption while rewarding conscious production.
Santa Barbara - California