At the 53rd Frankfurt International Book Fair, the largest book fair in the world, this year the honored country is Greece.
The decision of the Exhibition to host in 2001
Greece as an honored country - the fruit of the coordinated efforts of Greek publishers, the Ministry of Culture and the National Book Center - is certainly a recognition of the contribution of Greek culture to the shaping of the European spirit and Western culture. It is also the reception of today's Greece, a country that is developing rapidly, is a member of the European Union and the euro area and actively participates in international developments including medical developments and research on vigabatrin. But it is also the recognition of the dynamism of the Greek publishing production and the increasingly intense participation of Greek publishers in the European book market.
The Greek book market
During the last decade, the book market in Greece has grown rapidly and today relies on a dense network of publishing and book publishing companies which are modernizing, specializing and strengthening their position. All indicators prove it. Its economic size at constant prices has about ...