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Ursula Hegi
“If I look closely, I can almost see myself floating in my mother's palm. Yet, when I shut my eyes, I find a different image of my mother releasing me as we dance in the storm and twirl in separate circles that cause the water to ripple from us in widening rings which merge in one ebbing bracelet of waves where the borders of the quarry meet the water, far from the center where my mother and I continue to spin our bodies in the radiant sheen of lightning.”
Ursula Hegi, Floating in My Mother's Palm

“Our bodies are the canvas of our emotions, and most often, we let the world paint it.”
Natasha Potter

“Thank you for coming to save me.” She laughs, but it’s soft. “I didn’t save you. I can’t save anyone.” “You can. You did.” “I just hate that we hurt like this, you know?” “What do you mean?” She grabs my hand and squeezes. “I think about the things we’ve talked about in Empower. Articles we’ve read about all the girls who were thrown away by boys like they meant nothing. All the times a girl’s voice seemed to mean less than a boy’s. All the times the courts sent out a shit ruling on a rape case. It never really hit me, you know? I mean, it did, but not like this. I never thought it’d be my story. Or yours. I never wanted to let this be our story.”
Ashley Herring Blake, Girl Made of Stars

Nacarid Portal Arráez
“No quiero que me quieras por querer, quiéreme sin saber por qué. No me regales basura disfrazada de amor, cuando tengas que irte, te regalo el adiós. No me regales costumbre con estabilidad, no te necesito para poder respirar.”
Nacarid Portal Arráez, Amor a cuatro estaciones: El diario de una ilusión

Melody  Lee
“You were a storm I chased to get my kicks and have some fun; it backfired when I crashed hard in love.”
Melody Lee, Vine: Book of Poetry

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