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36684 The Fallen Series Official Fan Club — 950 members — last activity Apr 13, 2023 07:47PM
This is just a fan club about the book series Fallen by Lauren Kate!
390 Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy — 23703 members — last activity 5 hours, 34 min ago
Welcome to Paranormal Romance! This group is for the discussion and recommendation of paranormal romances and paranormal erotic romance, along with ur ...more
337286 Mpreg-nation — 210 members — last activity Dec 14, 2021 06:23AM
This is a group for fans of MMShifter/MM Paranormal Romance and MPREG stories. We seek to share our love for the genres and we encourage others to joi ...more
year in books
7,988 books | 172 friends

Colleen N
437 books | 852 friends

153 books | 104 friends

778 books | 37 friends

That Ch...
1,276 books | 338 friends

421 books | 3,889 friends

123 books | 52 friends

83 books | 69 friends

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