33,085 books
113,654 voters
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i-more-or-less-could-retell-the-plo (110)
french (84)
german (56)
my-1-00-on-a-desert-island (47)
theatre (46)
renaissance-drama (45)
whodunnit (41)
currently-reading (33)
to-read (409)
i-own-it (192)
my-library (147)
i-more-or-less-could-retell-the-plo (110)
french (84)
german (56)
my-1-00-on-a-desert-island (47)
theatre (46)
renaissance-drama (45)
whodunnit (41)
biographies (36)
spanish (27)
ballades (26)
history (26)
politically-committed (26)
religiously-committed (25)
french-novel (24)
historical-fiction (23)
classic-novels (22)
literary-criticism (21)
closed-institutions (19)
biographies (36)
spanish (27)
ballades (26)
history (26)
politically-committed (26)
religiously-committed (25)
french-novel (24)
historical-fiction (23)
classic-novels (22)
literary-criticism (21)
closed-institutions (19)

“Ce II siècle m'interesse parce qu'il fut, pour un temps fort long, celui des derniers hommes libres. Ence qui nous concerne, nous sommes peut-être déjà fort loin de ce temps-là.”

“Nos vanités construsient ces digues minuscules, ainsi font, avec du sable, des enfants accroupis et le dos tourné à la mer.”
― Préséances
― Préséances

“On atteint aisément une âme vivante à travers les crimes, les vices les plus tristes, mais la vulgarité est infranchissable.”

“A man's most vivid emotional and sensuous experience is inevitably bound up with the language that he actually speaks. (New Bearings in English Poetry)”
“La diferencia estriba quizá en que el hombre de fuertes pasiones las vive, mientras que el de débiles pasiones es vivido por ellas.
Translated into English-The difference is perhaps based on the fact that the man of strong passions lives them out, whereas the man of weak passions has them lived out for him.”
Translated into English-The difference is perhaps based on the fact that the man of strong passions lives them out, whereas the man of weak passions has them lived out for him.”

Members of Kindred Spirits and other interested GR members read the works of Thomas Mann. Our next scheduled read is The Magic Mountain, taking plac ...more

A group for people to discuss and recommend works of mythic fiction. Mythic fiction is literature that contains elements from mythology, fairytales, l ...more

Let's talk about poetry books. This group's members read poetry collections, with the goal of reviewing twenty in a year. C'mon. Do it. It's good for ...more

Romans français et francophones de l'an 2001 à nos jours. ...more
Esdaile’s 2024 Year in Books
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