1,385 books
5,377 voters

“When she bleeds the smells I know change colour. There is iron in her soul on those days. She smells like a gun.”
― Written on the Body
― Written on the Body

“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”
― The Prophet
― The Prophet

“Always learn poems by heart. They have to become the marrow in your bones. Like fluoride in the water, they'll make your soul impervious to the world's soft decay.”
― White Oleander
― White Oleander

“Trust me, I'm telling you stories. ... I can change the story. I am the story.”
― Written on the Body
― Written on the Body

To celebrate our love of reading books that people see fit to ban throughout the world. We abhor censorship and promote freedom of speech.

Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more

تجمّع لكل قراء الكاتب الكبير د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Join the Bargain Basement club for Freebies, bargains, reviews, and giveaways.

if you are from Saudi Arabia or living in it and want to join a Saudi community in Goodreads, This is the place for you! Join , participate, and invit ...more
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