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The Story of a Ne...
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"Starting this over because I never finished despite finding what I read to be great." Jul 05, 2024 11:37AM

You Like It Darker
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by Stephen King (Goodreads Author)
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S.L. Coney
“And in the night, before they sleep, he presses his lips to Teach's silken ear and tells him secrets - like the bottle rocket hidden under his bed - knowing their safe. And Teach, sometimes, tells him some back.”
S.L. Coney, Wild Spaces

Charlie Jane Anders
“Visualizing a happier, more just world is a direct assault on the forces that are trying to break your heart. As Le Guin says elsewhere, the most powerful thing you can do is imagine how things could be different … What if?”
Charlie Jane Anders, Never Say You Can't Survive: How to Get Through Hard Times by Making Up Stories

Emily Henry
“Nora.” He just barely smiles. “You’re in books. Of course you don’t have a life. None of us do. There’s always something too good to read.”
Emily Henry, Book Lovers

Emily Henry
“That’s the thing about women. There’s no good way to be one. Wear your emotions on your sleeve and you’re hysterical. Keep them tucked away where your boyfriend doesn’t have to tend to them and you’re a heartless bitch.”
Emily Henry, Book Lovers

Erin Morgenstern
“A boy at the beginning of a story has no way of knowing that the story has begun.”
Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea

30679 Buddy Reads for Women — 178 members — last activity Dec 18, 2024 07:02AM
What would be more enjoyable than reading a good book? How about reading that book with a buddy and discussing it as you go? This is why we created B ...more
963939 Horror Spotlight — 1441 members — last activity Mar 20, 2023 07:29AM
We read diverse horror. Our readalongs take place on our discord server each month.
108 Horror Aficionados — 27382 members — last activity 37 minutes ago
If you love horror literature, movies, and culture, you're in the right place. Whether it's vampires, werewolves, zombies, serial killers, plagues, or ...more
67667 Robert McCammon — 312 members — last activity Dec 05, 2018 05:33AM
We will be reading one Robert McCammon authored book a month. For all his novels and book news visit http://www.face ...more
893093 Unexpected Readathon Time / Books Out of the Blue — 669 members — last activity 48 minutes ago
OFFICIAL GOODREADS GROUP OF THE "BOOKS OUT OF THE BLUE" DISCORD SERVER! I love doing impromptu readathons, but they're not as much fun without buddie ...more
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