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Aimee Cabo Nikolov
“Unconditional Love conquers all!”
Aimee Cabo Nikolov, Love is the Answer God is the Cure

Yuval Noah Harari
“In the past, censorship worked by blocking the flow of information. In the 21st century, censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information. People just don't know what to pay attention to, and they often spend their time investigating and debating side issues.”
Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Change comes whether we are ready or not.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Madame Pommery, Creator of Brut Champagne

Cricket Rohman
“There was nothing between the ranch and the nearest town except a windy, two-lane mountain road edged with pine trees, meadows, cliffs and boulders. No Dairy Queen, no Circle K, nothing.”
Cricket Rohman, Colorado Takedown

“When we hold health and abundance in our self-identity, we create experiences of that quality. If we choose to be attuned to the energy of our heart and feel love and compassion, we create experiences in the same energy spectrum as that of peace, love and joy.”
Kenneth Schmitt, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volume 1: Aligning with Universal Consciousness

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