5059795 Marni's Friend Comments

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message 36: by Stark Raven (last edited Jun 13, 2024 05:08AM)

Stark Raven Book Recs & Reads Thank you for accepting my friend request, I love your work :)
Greetings from Nova Scotia Canada :)

message 35: by P. S.

P. S. [̲̅M̲̅][̲̅e̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅y̲̅] [̲̅C̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅s̲̅][̲̅t̲̅][̲̅m̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅s̲̅]

i hope your Christmas is filled with peace & laughter... (lots of laughter)

message 34: by Marni

Marni Mann Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Omg- how were we not friends here-haha!! That damn "assuming" again-haha!! ❤️❤️❤️-"

Lol! I thought we were friends, too. I'm so glad I fixed that. <3

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Omg- how were we not friends here-haha!! That damn "assuming" again-haha!! ❤️❤️❤️-

message 32: by Marni

Marni Mann Meli Mel *Ty and Zane's Creeper* wrote: "Thanks for the friend invite Marni! :D"

Thanks for accepting! I love reading your reviews. :)

* Meli Mel * Thanks for the friend invite Marni! :D

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Well you rocked mine!! Thanks for the add <3

message 29: by Robin

Robin Craig Clark So nice to be friends with you, Marni. Thank you. May the dawn of your new day be an inspiring one!

message 28: by Andrew (last edited Aug 01, 2012 08:17AM)

Andrew Weaver Hi Marni,

I am still very new to Goodreads and thank you for accepting my friend request.


message 27: by Marni

Marni Mann My pleasure, Christine! I look forward to reading your reviews. :)

Christine Hatfield thanks for being my friend

message 25: by J.W.

J.W. Smith Marni, please take a moment and download this great and very inspirational http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B007LF3...

message 24: by Douglas

Douglas Wickard Thanks for your Goodreads friendship, Marni!

message 23: by Selena

Selena Blake Hi Marni,

Thank you for the friendship!

Happy Reading,


message 22: by Marni

Marni Mann Savannah wrote: "Thank you for the friendship..."

My pleasure! I look forward to your book reviews.

Savannah Thank you for the friendship...

message 20: by Marni

Marni Mann Pastor wrote: "Hi Marni!
You look so much like my cousin's daughter (she's 29 yo) Thought we could be friends? New to this, as two of my friends are your friends on Twitter! May GOD bless you young lady~


Hi Dennis! Of course we can be friends! I'm around the same age as your cousin's daughter. Let's connect on Twitter as well! @MarniMann

Take care! :)

message 19: by Marni

Marni Mann Rushay wrote: "thanks for the add madame"

My pleasure! :)

message 18: by Pastor

Pastor Dennis Hi Marni!
You look so much like my cousin's daughter (she's 29 yo) Thought we could be friends? New to this, as two of my friends are your friends on Twitter! May GOD bless you young lady~

Pastor Dennis

message 17: by Rushay

Rushay Booysen thanks for the add madame

message 16: by Marni

Marni Mann Stuart wrote: "Thanks for being my new BFF, Marni. And being the only Marni I know. So, speaking of chocolate..."

Hi Stuart! No problem - I look forward to checking out your novels as well as your reviews. I'm the only Marni you know, huh? :) Do we have chocolate in common...?

message 15: by Stuart

Stuart Land Thanks for being my new BFF, Marni. And being the only Marni I know. So, speaking of chocolate...

message 14: by Marni

Marni Mann Debra wrote: "Hi Marni, thanks for friending me!"

I look forward to your reviews! :)

message 13: by Debra

Debra Brown Hi Marni, thanks for friending me!

message 12: by Marni

Marni Mann Vienda wrote: "Hey you, gorgeous. Thanks for the add."

Hey love, you're most welcome! :)

message 11: by Maeve

Maeve Hey you, gorgeous. Thanks for the add.

message 10: by Marni

Marni Mann Thomas wrote: "Hi Marni! Thanks for requesting me!
Also welcome to being on of the BNFF!

:) Tom"

Hi Tom! Thanks for accepting. Yes, BNFF, such a great group of nerds. :)

Thomas Amo Hi Marni! Thanks for requesting me!
Also welcome to being on of the BNFF!

:) Tom

message 8: by Marni

Marni Mann Darcia wrote: "Hi Marni! Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. :)"

Hi Darcia! No problem. I look forward to seeing your reviews. :)

Darcia Helle Hi Marni! Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. :)

message 6: by Marni

Marni Mann Lynn wrote: "Hi, Marni! Thanks for friending me. Look forward to seeing what you are reading.

Same here, Lynn!
Have a great week. :)

message 5: by Lynn

Lynn Coulter Hi, Marni! Thanks for friending me. Look forward to seeing what you are reading.

message 4: by Marni

Marni Mann Karen wrote: "Hey Marni, so glad you found me on here. Thanks for the friend request. Have a great week.

Hey Karen! Thanks for accepting my request. I hope you have a wonderful week as well. :)

message 3: by Karen

Karen Gammons Hey Marni, so glad you found me on here. Thanks for the friend request. Have a great week.

message 2: by Marni

Marni Mann C.A. wrote: "Hello! Great to see you here. I thought your photo looked familiar ... I follow you on Twitter. :)"

Hey! Nice to see you too. I follow you as well on Twitter. :)

message 1: by C.A.

C.A. Chicoine Hello! Great to see you here. I thought your photo looked familiar ... I follow you on Twitter. :)

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