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ARCHIVES > 3370. ROUSE ME by Crystal Kaswell

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message 1: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 6823 comments Mod
Rouse Me (Rouse Me #1) by Crystal Kaswell Crystal Kaswell

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 249

Book Description:
Alyssa Summers is not the kind of girl who cheats. Sure, she isn't in love with her fiancé, Ryan Knight, but she has no use for silly ideas like love or passion. She needs someone who can keep her from destroying herself. She needs Ryan. She's sure of it.

Then she meets Luke Lawrence.

He's handsome. And he's bold—he thinks nothing of flirting with her in front of Ryan. And he's smart, and articulate, and interested in what she has to say.

But she should be able to stop thinking about him.

So what if his big, brown eyes light up when he smiles? So what if his laugh completely disarms her? So what if his touch-- even his fingertips grazing her back-- makes her body hum?

She shouldn't feel so tempted. She shouldn't feel so desperate to know him. Luke is Ryan's business partner, for God's sake. She should be able to resist him.

But she can't. She wants Luke more than she's ever wanted anything.

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message 2: by Annapoorni (new)

Annapoorni I would like to read and review this book.

[email protected]
Format - pdf

message 3: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Annapoorni there is only mobi and epub format, would either of these work for you?

message 4: by Annapoorni (new)


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