Caty's Reviews > Crave

Crave by J.R. Ward
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At first, I tought I was gonna like this instalment better than Covet, but at the end, it wasn't the case.

The plot was OK, not really original and just mildly entertaining. The romance was a little off, even when the hero and the heroine seemed to be really complex and interesting characters, you never really get the chance to know or understand them. Actually, the story unfolds in just a couple of days , and seriously, who falls head over heels in love in no more than 72 hours? That's just ridiculous. Lust? sure, an incredible attraction? off course, but honest, long lasting love in three days? yeah, right.

My biggest issue with this book was the language. God. What was the Warden thinking? I love the brothers' slang, I find it really cute and distinctive, I already recognize that crazy talking as the brothers' voice. But when the same slang is used and abused by other characters, it just sounds silly and at some points ridiculous, even a little embarassing, kind of like an old lady trying too hard to speak like the cool kids.

Obviously, I wasn't thrilled about Crave, but I still want to know what will happen with Jim, Adrian and Eddie. I'm not in love with this series, not even close, but I guess I'll still be reading the next book.
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Reading Progress

January 13, 2010 – Shelved
October 10, 2010 – Started Reading
October 10, 2010 –
page 62
13.66% "Isaac wasn‟t anywhere near that league of woman. Hell, he wasn‟t even playing in the same sport."
October 10, 2010 –
page 87
19.16% "You know, you don‟t seem like his type.” A quick image of the man sitting so silent and deadly flashed through Grier‟s mind: on that theory, the guy should have been dating a Beretta.- LOL! This one is full of one liners"
October 14, 2010 – Finished Reading

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