Maggie's Reviews > The Rule of Four

The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell
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did not like it

I strongly, strongly disliked this book.
After I first finished reading it, I wondered if the reason I hated it was because it had been mismarketed as a Da Vinci Code analogue, and I do love me some sleuthing among historical artifacts. But no.
I hated it because I disliked the pretentious characters. I disliked the plot and the constant, preening, self-indulgent homage to the hallowed halls of Princeton. I am always thrilled to hear that people love their alma mater. Really. But I don't need a coming-of-age novel masquerading as a mystery to tell me about the fun to be had in Ivy League New Jersey.
Maybe I missed something. Maybe there actually was a gripping historical mystery that I could not see through all the orange and black. Maybe I will never care enough to know.
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message 1: by Anna (last edited Aug 25, 2016 12:44PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Anna Mags,

I totally agree! This book was one of those I was excited to be absorbed in a la Daniel Silva/The DaVinci Code - I kept waiting for the plot to climax, but it never did!

Leslie Yes, the characters were pretentious! I've been on the Princeton campus a few times and it is very nice. But this guy acted like Princeton was the end-all be-all. And he totally ignored his girlfriend for this ancient text, like get a life already. I really lost interest in the plot.

La Petite Américaine You didn't miss anything in my opinion. It's a book written by two dorks who can't move on from their time at their ivy league schools, and they're just "so cool" because it's PRINCETON. Yawn.

Jocelyn A perfect description!

Fiona Yup. Nailed it.

message 6: by Dom (new) - rated it 1 star

Dom Otto Same thoughts. There were a few characters to choose from and none of them was remotely interesting.

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